enclosed car trailer for sale by owner Reconstruction is the period of time in the United States in which the country tried to reunite following the horrors of the Civil War. Civil War-era sites, and pay their respects to those who fought and died here. Reconstruction | Definition, Summary, Timeline & Facts craigslist fresno free pets During the Reconstruction period, Tennessee's former slaves continued the. Reconstruction (1865-1877), the turbulent era following the Civil War, was the effort to reintegrate Southern states from the Confederacy and 4 million newly-freed people into the United States.This is what I understand from what I've been learning about economics but you may want to fact check all of this but it gets you started 2 comments ( 132 votes) Upvote Downvote Flag See 18 more answersReconstruction - Civil War End, Changes & Act of 1867 - HISTORY Web Tennesee had already ratified, so they …The government halved spending in 1920, cut taxes, and the Federal reserve stayed out of it and we recovered big time by the next summer. 9th 1862” by Currier & Ives, New York, 1862 Secession and Confederacy missouri drug bust 2022 The First Reconstruction Acct The first reconstruction act was passed in 1867, called for new creation of new government in 10 Southern states that did not ratify the 14th Amendment. The Gilder Lehrman Institute “Battle of Cedar Mountain, Aug. Interesting rifle.Civil War & Reconstruction, 1861–1877 As the nation expanded and its population grew, regional tensions, especially over slavery, led to a civil war-the course and aftermath of which transformed American society. These rifles often contain a mixture of styles that were common before the war. A guild maker would have used a military '98 as the basis of his work and all the relief carving would make more sense on an order placed by a non-German.

If the rifle lacks proof marks (other than original military), and I do not see them in your photography, then this rifle may have been built for an officer in the occupation forces in the years immediately after WWII. The checkering and relief carving is very unusual for the period if it is indeed pre-war. Most of these - and they can be very fine firearms - are unmarked except for proof marks. If there is no maker or vendor's name on the barrel, it is likely a guild gun - meaning it was built by a gunmaker not associated with one of the bigger companies in Suhl or elsewhere.

The scope and claw mounts would indicate a between the wars gun - likely thirties. First of all, it is difficult to tell anything definitive from the photos.