Far from being all about speed, there are some wildly different tracks and boss levels as well as a few lobby games totally unrelated to anything else.

It’s an amazingly full game for what it is, with a slew of interesting levels and minigames and varied challenges. In other words, it’s a game that’s almost all about rotating in the right way at the right time – this is what makes it a MHIMWS, and not just a sidescrolling racer. Rotation effects how you land, the stunts that you do both on the ground and in the air, and whether and when you die.

You also influence acceleration and braking, and there’s a marginal jump ability, but brakes are hardly used and the jumping is really just to catch a little more air at the right times. The basic premise is a sidescrolling racing game where your primary control is the rotation of your character. I don’t know if the genre has a label yet, let’s call them MHIMWS – My Head Is My Weak Spot.

Cyclomaniacs 2 is stunt biking game in the same style as Bike Or Die or… others.